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Open enrollment
Technical training

To be able to obtain the Certified, Advanced or Premium Partner status, it is required that every partner has at least one sales certified employee and at least one technically certified employee. You can sign up for the technical training via the form on this page. Click here to sign up for the sales training.

During the training, we will discuss our vision, hone your skills to position your organization even more as an information security authority, tell you everything about our services, share with you the architecture of our platform, discuss frequently asked questions, share with you how to onboard clients easilly and much more! It is also a great opportunity to network with other engineers.  


Choose one of the available dates in the form on the right side of this page. The technical training sessions are scheduled each month. Every other month in person in Utrecht and the other months via Teams. The trainings are scheduled from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.


Guardian360 Orteliuslaan 1000 3528 BD Utrecht


The training sessions are free of charge.


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Guardian360 biedt veiligheid in de vorm van continue scanning en live rapportage, waarbij alle onderdelen van netwerken dag en nacht in de gaten worden gehouden. Omdat kwetsbaarheden dagelijks veranderen, biedt het Guardian360 platform een snelle detectie van nieuwe security issues. Organisaties die deze issues verhelpen verlagen daarmee de kans op een security incident of een datalek significant. Guardian360 partners kunnen met vertrouwen aan hun klanten aantonen dat zij hun informatiebeveiliging op orde hebben.